The reason why I'm afraid of sudden attacks... This is because, in the future, if there is a misconception of the axel/brake, the probability of people quickly removing their feet from the axel and moving them to the brake will be lower.
If you definitely apply the brake, but the car accelerates, you should think about the possibility that you pressed the accelerator incorrectly, not the brake. So, in a nutshell, when the car accelerates, you just need to take your foot off. However, considering the possibility of sudden acceleration, you will think, "Hey, this is sudden acceleration," and step harder.
It's not just sudden acceleration. Everyone can make mistakes, and if they do, they must be corrected quickly. But when given the "possibility that it's not my mistake," their thoughts go only towards that side. In the end, they reinforce their mistakes, not to mention correct them.
You don't have to think about why. Just think about what to do and how to do it. If the car accelerates even after applying the brake, take your foot off the pedal, fill the side brake, and remove the gear to neutral. <VC Start-up – From Investor's Note to Founder's Worries, Written by Kim Ki-young> Start reading <VC Start-up>
MICROSOFT, GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, META, TESLA, and OpenAI all have one thing in common. They all created fast growth through venture capital called Venture Capital. The founders planned wonderful products and services that could change the world, and the venture capital provided by VC completed them.
The same is true in Korea. VC capital such as Softbank, Toss, Altos, and Kakao has built the foundation for growth.
This book is for VC and start-up officials (founders and practitioners). It is also necessary for college (graduate) students who want to enter the market and job change candidates.
Most of the members I met while investing in and running startups were aware of the importance of VC, but they were not sure what mechanism was going on. I think an understanding of VC is essential to grow faster and higher in a startup. The flow of capital has no choice but to have a great impact on the company's operations and strategies.
I can confidently recommend this book to VC practitioners. When I started as a judge, it would have been great to have a guide like this. For your information, this book is quite annotated. I think it will be a more meaningful time for judges, especially if they don't miss this content.
The biggest difference I have is that I have experienced both VC and start-ups. That's why I tried to deal with both sides in a balanced way. I start this book dreaming of the struggles of VC and start-ups.
'미국 주식회사 이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글
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