[Fit together with Qatar, River Plate, and FC Barcelona]
The first company-related post to sign up and post as FitTogether..
In early June, our FitTogether held a workshop tour with Aspire Academy, Qatar's national football gifted foundation, FC Barcelona, and Argentina's prestigious River Plate.
In this workshop, coaches from Barcelona and Riverplatte conducted workshops with EPTS developed by FitTogether, and were able to quantify the performance evaluation of players in innovative ways.
Valtor Di Salvo, general director of Aspire Academy, who had a reputation as a physical coach during the Real Golden Age/Manchester United Fergie, was present at this event.
But what is Aspire Academy? In 2004, the king of Qatar invested trillions of dollars to build a world-class soccer education facility in Qatar to enhance national prestige. Afterwards, the coaches and management of major European clubs (who also went to Gu Ja-cheol and Ajax CEO Vandesar in 2020) are at the center of Qatar's long-term plan for the leap of sports. The coaches who have been there are many in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Italy. In particular, 80 percent of Qatar's national universities since 2018 are from this educational institution, and all the national teams for the Paris Olympics are from this institution...
FitTogether is the only company in the world to partner with the Aspire Academy (not a memorandum of understanding), and as part of that partnership, we decided to proceed with these workshops and introduce them within the Aspire Academy to promote mutual development. (Details to be kept secret~)
We plan to continue to do global workshops and various education together, so please keep an eye on us!
I should have gone out on the news and met the reporters, but because of my lack of ability and competence, this time like this
ps: In the middle of the picture, the person who looks handsome is the CEO of FitTogether. I'm sure he's the same age as me...
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